Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Christmas Craft Bonanza!

It's always very exciting to see what my daughter will bring home at the end of each college term.  She attends Farnborough Tech and takes part in an arts & crafts course each Tuesday and produces some lovely work  This term we have a Christmas wreath - complete with little fabric stuffed hearts, sewn by Stacie.

We have some Christmas bunting - looks very pretty against our shelving - again, sewn by Stacie.

And the piece de resistance, a Christmas table mat, double sided and sewn with great care and precision.  This will be gracing our dining table on Christmas Day for sure.

There are also some little wrapped parcels which have been hidden away - I shall look forward to seeing what else she has made.

I'm so proud of her - I know she gets help to make these lovely things, but having seen the work she also produces at Bell's Piece, I know she does most of it herself.  Not bad for a young lady written off at birth by 'experts'....

1 comment:

  1. Lovely work by Stacie, I especially like the table mat.
